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Hi, and thanks for coming by the Kitplanes© page on the RST website.  I've been writing for the Kitplanes organization since October 1977 (Making A Ground Station) and since October 1995, I've been doing a regular column called AeroLectrics.  Since you found this page, you must be a regular reader of Kitplanes (and if not, why not?) and need more information on my column.

This page will give more data on the article than I was capable of printing in the magazine, mostly because of space limitatons.  Each issue will also have a text file called "oopsies" that list the inevitable gremlins that sneak in to the process and gum up some very necessary bit of information that was either inadvertently deleted or was just plain wrong.   A file with oopsies is indicated ** thus.

You will need some programs to use the files on these data pages.  Mostly, they are freebies or demo programs that allow you to read the file in it's original format.   What I've found is that trying to put technical files into some format other than the format I originally used is guaranteed to cob up the works.  Click here to go to the locations for downloading programs you will need to use this website.

(Note -- because of the large graphic content of most articles, they can be slow to load.  Approximate load  time at 28.8 speed is given for each page.)

The following are the articles you can access from this site:


July 1999  (Keeping the Volts Waggin'  Part I -- 1 minute)

August 1999   (Keeping the Volts Waggin'   Part II   -- 2 minutes)  **

September 1999  (Battery Tester/Voltmeter -- 1 minute)

October 1999  (Magneto Timer -- 3 minutes)  **

November 1999  (VHF COM Antennas For Metal Airplanes -- 1 minute)

December 1999   (VHF NAV Antennas For Metal Airplanes   -- 1 minute)

January 2000   (Landing Light Flasher -- Relay Version   -- 2 minutes)

February 2000    (FM- Fundamental Magic??? -- 4 minutes)

March 2000   (Landing Light Flasher -- Solid State Version   -- 2 minutes)

April 2000   (Transmitter Light Test Box -- 2 minutes)

May 2000  (Headset Text Box -- 2 minutes)

June 2000  (Capacitive Fuel Gauge (Part I) -- 2 minutes)

July 2000  (Capacitive Fuel Gauge (Part II) -- 2 minutes)

August 2000  (Capacitive Fuel Gauge (Part III) -- 2 minutes)

September 2000 (A)  (Understanding LED lamp indicators - Part I) -- 2 minutes)

September 2000 (B)  (Antennas -- A Primer) -- 4 minutes)

October 2000  (Understanding LED lamp indicators - Part II) -- 2 minutes)

November 2000  (Champagne GPS On A Beer Budget) -- 2 minutes)

December 2000  {There was no Aerolectrics Column this month.  Boo, hiss}

January  2001  (Inexpensive Lamp Dimmers (Part 1) -- 1 minute) **

February 2001 (See September 2000 (B) on Antennas)

March  2001  (Polyfuses -- 1 minute)

April  2001  (Lamp Dimmer Deluxe -- (Sourcing, Part 1) -- 1 minute)

May  2001  (Lamp Dimmer Deluxe -- (Sinking, Part 2) -- 1 minute)

June  2001  (Lamp Dimmer Pulse Width Modulation -- (Drivers, Part 1) -- 1 minute)

July  2001  (Lamp Dimmer Pulse Width Modulation -- (Output Devices, Part 2) -- 1 minute)

August  2001  (Aviation Programs For The Palm Computer -- 1 minute)

September  2001  (Crowbar Electronic Protection -- 1 minute) **

October  2001  (Overvoltage Relays -- 1 minute)

November  2001  (Digital Clock -- 2 minutes) **

TBD  2002  (Installing The Microair 760 Transceiver -- 3 minutes)

January  2002  (Digital Voltmeter-Ammeter -- 2 minutes) **

February  2002  (Digital Engine Monitor -- 2 minutes) **

March  2002  (Handheld Antenna Connector -- 2 minutes)

April  2002  (Battery Desulfator -- 4 minutes) **

May  2002  (Low Power Battery Eliminator -- 2 minutes)

June  2002  (Installing BNC Connectors -- 2 minutes)

July  2002  ( Cheap Flasher -- 2 minutes)

August  2002  ( Basic Audio Panel Chapter 1 -- 2 minutes)

May  2012  ( Base Station Antenna)

July 2014 (Courtesy Light) Schematic errata

October 2014 (Headset Tester) Technical data

February 2015 (Noise Filter) Audio files with noise filters


** Indicates that the material contains corrections from the published article.   View the oopsies.doc file.

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Jim Weir

16 February 2012